From the team that brought you the d20pfsrd pathfinder source reference document, with the publication of paizos starfinder role playing game, this is the starfinder srd system. This site is an srd system reference document for the paizo pathfinder roleplaying game. In appearance, duergar resemble grayskinned dwarves, bearded but bald, with cold, lightless eyes. Dwarves and duergar once were one race, but the dwarves left the deeps for their mountain strongholds. This website uses trademarks andor s owned by paizo inc.
This pdf from raging swan press is 26 pages long, 1 page front cover. Duergar of the obsidian citadel a pathfinder roleplaying game compatible. The duergar has advantage on saving throws against poison, spells, and illusions, as well as to resist being charmed or paralyzed. This site is an srd system reference document for the paizo pathfinder. Duergar with levels in npc classes have a cr equal to their character level. Duergar still consider themselves the only true dwarves, and the rightful heirs of all beneath the world. A recent raid by duergar slavers has captured some of jormurduns dwarves, who have. Dwarves and duergar once were one race, but the dwarves left the deeps for their. Technology guide as of 12162014 92018 the pathfinder reference document will no longer be updated, but is available for reference in its last updated state. It adds a deity from pathfinder but otherwise is identical to the dawn war. It is the duergar subrace and we get a look at a gold dwarf too.
Duergar dwell in communities deep underground, and appear as darker, more twisted versions of their kinder kin. Duergar of the obsidian citadel raging swan press pathfinder. The pdf kicks off with 3 new feats for the grey dwarves. Every pdf contains two full pages of high quality content no fluff or filler. The duergar warrior presented here had the following ability scores before racial adjustments. While in sunlight, the duergar has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on wisdom perception checks that rely on sight. You gain a new spelllike ability from the list of duergar racial traits. Duergar with high intelligence can choose bonus languages from the following. You are viewing the legacy pathfinder reference document website. Dms on how to read statblocks, 1 page srd and 1 page back cover. The pathfinder reference document contains all errata to the roleplaying game line of products as of 9302015, and errata from the pathfinder campaign setting. Duergar dwell in subterranean caverns far from the touch of light. The hypertext d20 srd is owned by bols interactive llc. The trove is the biggest open directory of rpg pdfs on the internet.
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